Thursday 28 November 2013

New Coir Delivery

17 Pallets of coir cocopeat 5 Kg bales Organic
1 Pallet Coir Chips for orchid growers
2 Pallets of coir briquettes.

Ready and waiting.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Coir Sheet

Coir Sheet posted today to Malta, can be used as basket lining or weed mat.
If you want it we can get it to you. 

Green Waste

Just to be clear Fertile Fibre does not contain Green Waste. We know what is in our composts
Coir, Vermiculite, Sterilized Loam, Composted Bark.
100% free from Green Waste
100% Peat Free
100% Certified Organic by the Soil Association I1408

Monday 18 November 2013


Fertile Fibre coir and compost for Wheat-grass
Received a call today about wheat-grass and i thought it would be of help to add information to the blog.
You can use coir for wheat-grass, any bales or blocks will need hydrating and will take a minimum of 24 hrs to hydrate or you can buy coir that has already been hydrated and ready to use and with the correct moisture. You can use straight coir or if you want a more productive media some people use Fertile Fibre Organic Multipurpose or Vegro Multipurpose, both are Soil association approved and the Vegro is Vegan approved and of course both are 100 % peat free. The Fertile Fibre will give more vigorous growth and more crop, yields ie: crop will grow back quicker when cut.
The fertilizer will also produce a greener crop, but for some purest only straight coir  will do.
We sell our media compost, coir to all the large wheat-grass producers so you can rest easy that it works and something new you could try, the new professionals choice that has been chemically changed to produce the perfect growing media.
With all growing it's what works best in your system and the ideal is to try many things in producing the perfect wheat-grass.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Your Logo here

Things that we do.
We have just finished manufacturing and bagging 1000 bags of compost in 3 Litre bags part of a bigger order of 5000 bags. We used a special mix of Fertile Fibre that is dry, The advantage for the customer is that the product is lighter that conventional composts therefor saving on weight. It also has the benefit of being Soil Association approved.
If you would like to talk to us about coir compost for your products please call us on 01432853111 or email
Below are some pictures of what we can do.

Friday 18 October 2013

New stock of buffered Coir Coco bales has arrived

Yesterday we received a delivery of Coir Coco Cocopeat buffered bales .

Some Coir facts:
Coir, Coco and Cocopeat are all the same thing.

You normally have two different sizes of coir products,
1. Coir or Coco or Cocopeat Bale:
 5 Kg in weight
30cm x 30cm x 20cm(approx)
Expands to 70 litres of final product

2. Coir or Coco or Cocopeat Briquette(Brick)
650grams in weight
20 cm x 10 cm x 5cm
Expands to 9 litres

3. 3 Types, Washed, Organic and buffered.

Washed is naturally washed and sun dried.
Organic is produced from  coconut trees that have been farmed organically and then washed
Buffered is chemically changed to reduce the ions by washing the coir in calcium nitrate.

For all 3 types of coir visit Fertile Fibre

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Defland organic compost trials

Fertile fibre has been included into Defland compost trials and the results are below for your reading.
Conclusion Fertile Fibre Seed compost is the best and does not require feeding- as if it was in doubt.

Organic again 

Monday 9 September 2013

Germination testing

Every batch of compost we make we do a germination test on here is a picture of a recent batch of vegrow organic coir compost certified by the Soil association and the vegan trust.

Fertile Fibre welcome a group from U3A

Fertile Fibre welcomed a group from U3A Gardeners and composters for a tour of the factory and discussion on Organic compost and Coir.
We explained the history of Fertile Fibre from Robert Hirst over 25 years ago to today. We discussed modern markets and the difficulty of getting any PR and supplying large retailers, we also followed the paper trail that is needed to conform to the Soil Association Standard and our application to join Demeter. Nobody left empty handed.
Who's next?

Monday 2 September 2013

SSL Certificate achieved

SSL Certificate achieved

What is that you might ask?
When you use the web and you decide to make a purchase it is the little green padlock you see in the address bar, You should only purchase from websites with this green padlock and we now have it.
If you click on it, it explains what it does.
So you can now shop at any of Fertile Fibre Shops and feel safe.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Master Composters visit Fertile Fibre

We entertained The Master Composters for a tour and guide around the factory today, We over shot by about an hour as everybody seem to be enjoying themselves.

If anybody would like to bring a party round please get in contact with Fertile Fibre.
Pictures to follow.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Fast delivery

Thanks for sending my order so quickly, very impressed.

Appreciated !

Kind Regards

Len Harrison

Ordered 10:10 am 24/06/2013 delivered Somerset 9:30 25/06/2013

Getting ready for Glastonbury

Fertile Fibre works in Scotland

Received this picture from a customer North of Inverness who was very happy and back again for more compost, Thanks Ross

How many herbs can you name in this picture?

Facts about Fertile Fibre

Thing you might not know about Fertile Fibre

First idea 1989 by Robert Hurst
First batch made 1992
Certified Organic since 1992
New owners in 2004

Only natural spring water used,
No green waste in any products
We carry a very small amount of compost as stock, therefor keeping your compost fresh and made to order.
We make Carbon Gold
We are joining Demeter Organic Association awaiting inspection by them.

I did i mention that Robert and Kim from the Cottage Herbery still buy there compost from Fertile Fibre and that is why there plants look so Fantastic.
 Top Tip:-----Robert say that this year he has had to spend more money on Liquid feed because he is trying to save money by not reporting plants,

Friday 21 June 2013

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hey Matthew, am totally impressed by your coir; attached photo shows coriander (sown on May 28) now starting to root-through in 1L pots - after 18 days!

EYHO John Innes  (  :

Thursday 16 May 2013

Hi Matthew,
Belated thanks for the wonderful donation - everyone in the office has now confirmed their suspicions that I'm completely mad... getting so exited about 'dirt'!
Plants are already romping away and even clients new to gardening are commenting on the difference from what we were using previously.
Best wishes,

Lydia from Heads Up charity that we helped with a donation of compost that supports Mental Health through Social Therapeutic Horticulture Projects.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Thanks old Fertile Fibre Website you severed me well.
7 Years
6000 Customers
10000 Orders
First customer who ordered 05/07/2006 ordered again yesterday 09/05/2013 , Thank you Shaun

It was a pleasure doing business with you, I will miss our morning's together sharing information over coffee.
But in with the new.

Monday 8 April 2013

News Flash,
Massive day at Fertile Fibre today, Carbon Gold had some fantastic publicity over the weekend in the Gardening section of the Telegraph, so today has been busy full filling orders, thanks to everybody at Fertile Fibre for the extra effort today and tomorrow. For all those that have ordered i hope it all arrives safe as ordered tomorrow.
I am so excited new shop layout is very nearly ready.

Friday 25 January 2013

Coir and salt

Had this email today

I'm hoping you will be able to advise me on this. I'm looking at stocking your coir blocks in my shop in the future but there has been some recent discussion among snail keepers about batches from other brands potentially being salt contaminated due to proximity to the sea. I personally know that yours is safe, i've used it for years with my own snails and other inverts, but I wanted to do a double confirmation if possible so I can say to any customers with concerns that i've been assured it won't contain any. Unfortunately there has been in recent years some issues with some reptile specific coir, particularly with hermit crabs, that has made people who were around then wary. 

Sometimes something nice happens, Thanks John.

After I had put in an order for Fertile Fibre materials last year, you asked me to comment on my experience with it over the growing season. As I would now like to put in another order, I thought it was about time I let you know how I got on.
                First, the order arrived promptly, it was well-packaged and convenient, and I had no trouble handling it. Re-hydrating the coir blocks was easy – I crumbled a block into a wheelbarrow, added a bucket of water and left it covered overnight.
                I could not have picked a worse year to try out new products or techniques in the garden. It was an absolutely rotten growing season. Parts of the local town, Hebden Bridge, were seriously flooded four times, and national news organisations seem to have set up permanent camp in Market Street to film the next episode of devastation. We are up on the hills above the town, but even so, the ground was sodden for the whole summer and still has not recovered. Worse, I suspect, from a growing point of view, were the constant poor levels of light, due to the almost permanent cloud cover. We got very poor germination of anything sown direct, and a small crop of small everything.
That said, my experience of using fertile fibre seed compost to sow and bring on seedlings inside for planting out was very positive. Only germination of onions and peas was poor, and I do not think that was the fault of the compost. I tried growing some perennial poppies as an experiment, and that has worked extremely well so far. My neighbour took half of them, and we have planted them out as bonny young plants, and we await results next year. If anything goes wrong now, it won’t be anything to do with the compost.
                You suggested crumbling a block of coir and spreading it dry on a patch of my plot, as a means of lightening my heavy soil. I was sceptical, but I tried it, and that patch was very much easier to work than any other. I have ordered extra blocks this year. I’m afraid it did not improve the performance of the crops, but then, that might be asking too much in the growing season just past. We shall see again this year, provided we get a better season.
The reason I ordered Fertile Fibre composts was that in recent years I have had trouble with other commercial composts due, I think, to contamination with herbicide residues, coming from animal manure. This showed itself as a kind of mass damping-off, and seedlings which germinated but then refused to grow. I certainly had no trouble like that this year.
So, this year, we shall have perfect weather – a fine spring, and a summer with plenty of sunshine and rain every third night. Blight will somehow forget to visit the potatoes and the couch grass will contract some sort of dreadful disease which wipes it out. Then I’ll only have myself to blame for everything that goes wrong.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Might not look much but that's how we like it. 75% dry mix for a customer (6 years and counting). Dry Mix compost means that it is mixed dry, so when you add water it expands to the weight/volume you want, saves a fortune on shipping weight and volume, anything that needs a light weight in shipping. This customer also exports his end product all over the world with Fertile Fibre included.

28 bales of coir before and after

On the right is 28 Organic coir bales on a pallet ready for dispatch brought by a customer from ebay.
On the Left is the 30 bags of compost it will expand to.
Or if you prefer your compost loose then this much.

Available from, Ebay,

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Biggest Order for Sterilized Loam received today. Should be ready for dispatch tomorrow. Sterilized Loam is flame treated to kill all the seeds and bugs in the loam(soil). Available From Fertile Fibre in 10kg or 20 kg bags delivered to your door. Ideal for mixing with compost or adding a base to window boxes or just filling in holes in your garden.
Find It here;